Americans have risen up in their millions to protest against CNN for broadcasting fake news and propaganda
Protests have been erupting all across the US as citizens begin to wake up and fight back against the failing cable network.
This weekend saw huge protests take place outside the CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia with protesters determined to stand up to the network’s “hate-filled rhetoric and fake news”.
The events attracted a mass of Donald Trump supporters, with organizers saying they want the event to not only stand up against the divisive politics and normalization of violence pushed by CNN but also show support for their president, who has been a constant target of rolling 24-hour hit pieces by the network.
The organizer of the Atlanta rally, Debbie Dooley of Main Street Patriots, said in a statement:
“We encourage everyone to keep Rep. Scalise in your prayers for a speedy recovery and the other victims,”
“We will have a moment of silence at the protest to pray for the victims of the leftist assassin.”
SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOWith people turning up to the protests on the ground in their thousands, millions more frustrated citizens showed their support by switching CNN off.The huge boycott and CNN’s rapidly diminishing viewership has been the largest demise of any media outlet in American history.
“I am very encouraged by the interest in the CNN fake news protest,” said Dooley.
“I’ve noticed a big uptick in the intensity level of folks interested in attending the protest after the cowardly assassination attempt of Republican Congressmen by someone on the radical left in Alexandria, Virginia on Wednesday.”
Speaking about the protesters who attended the events, Dooley explained why she is not concerned about their safety:
“One big reason is that Georgia is an open carry state and violent thugs would be insane to attempt violence at our peaceful protest,”
“This hate filled rhetoric against President Trump has permeated many media outlets like CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times,”
“Some of CNN’s hosts engage in hate-filled hysteria in their attempt to bring down the democratically-elected President of the United States.”
“They helped create the toxic atmosphere that Hodgkinson would believe it is ‘open season’ on Republicans,”
“It is time for Trump supporters to rise up and say with a loud voice, enough.”
Also taking part in the protests is Bikers for Trump 2020.Speaking to Breitbart News, Founder Chris Cox said:
“Bikers for Trump will be at CNN headquarters on Saturday because in our opinion there is no way to measure this level of journalistic malpractice,”
“CNN exemplifies vigilante journalism.”
Members of Citizens for Trump were also in attendance at the protests.
President of CFT, Tim Selaty, told Breitbart News:
“We the American citizenry, who dutifully elected Donald J. Trump as our president, are completely fed up and disgusted with CNN and other liberal media outlets continually launching malicious fabricated propaganda (aka fake news) attacks on our P.O.T.U.S.,”
“We believe this fake news media movement to destroy our president is not only hurting the credibility of mainstream media and undermining our election process but is equally impacting our American society in a very negative way as we’ve seen by the recent attack in Virginia on our elected Republican officials.”
“We demand that CNN and all media outlets have ethics and truth in their reporting or we will continue to mass protest at their headquarters and express our discontent with their sponsors.”
“We ask all of our fellow patriots to stand with us this Saturday at CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia and send a clear message to CNN and all other media outlets guilty of spreading unsubstantiated stories to hurt our president and fellow Americans.”
“No more fake news,”
“We will have a moment of silence at the protest to pray for the victims of the leftist assassin.”
SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOWith people turning up to the protests on the ground in their thousands, millions more frustrated citizens showed their support by switching CNN off.The huge boycott and CNN’s rapidly diminishing viewership has been the largest demise of any media outlet in American history.
“I am very encouraged by the interest in the CNN fake news protest,” said Dooley.
“I’ve noticed a big uptick in the intensity level of folks interested in attending the protest after the cowardly assassination attempt of Republican Congressmen by someone on the radical left in Alexandria, Virginia on Wednesday.”
Speaking about the protesters who attended the events, Dooley explained why she is not concerned about their safety:
“One big reason is that Georgia is an open carry state and violent thugs would be insane to attempt violence at our peaceful protest,”
“This hate filled rhetoric against President Trump has permeated many media outlets like CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times,”
“Some of CNN’s hosts engage in hate-filled hysteria in their attempt to bring down the democratically-elected President of the United States.”
“They helped create the toxic atmosphere that Hodgkinson would believe it is ‘open season’ on Republicans,”
“It is time for Trump supporters to rise up and say with a loud voice, enough.”
Also taking part in the protests is Bikers for Trump 2020.Speaking to Breitbart News, Founder Chris Cox said:
“Bikers for Trump will be at CNN headquarters on Saturday because in our opinion there is no way to measure this level of journalistic malpractice,”
“CNN exemplifies vigilante journalism.”
Members of Citizens for Trump were also in attendance at the protests.
President of CFT, Tim Selaty, told Breitbart News:
“We the American citizenry, who dutifully elected Donald J. Trump as our president, are completely fed up and disgusted with CNN and other liberal media outlets continually launching malicious fabricated propaganda (aka fake news) attacks on our P.O.T.U.S.,”
“We believe this fake news media movement to destroy our president is not only hurting the credibility of mainstream media and undermining our election process but is equally impacting our American society in a very negative way as we’ve seen by the recent attack in Virginia on our elected Republican officials.”
“We demand that CNN and all media outlets have ethics and truth in their reporting or we will continue to mass protest at their headquarters and express our discontent with their sponsors.”
“We ask all of our fellow patriots to stand with us this Saturday at CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia and send a clear message to CNN and all other media outlets guilty of spreading unsubstantiated stories to hurt our president and fellow Americans.”
“No more fake news,”