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Friday 15 December 2017

Vladimir Putin: “If ISIS commit terrorist attack in Russia, in half an hour Saudi Arabia is destroyed”

The Russian leader is reportedly mounting an enormous military mission to take control of the terror group’s stronghold of Raqqa.

The city is the self-declared capital of ISIS in Syria and is patrolled by as many as 5,000 jihadi members.

Putin is set to mobilise 150,000 reservists who he conscripted into the military in January.

Yesterday, Putin hinted he was ready to join forces with the West to tackle Islamic State.

He told: “I swear if ISIS commit terrorist attack in Russia, in half an hour Saudi Arabia is destroyed”

Tazama timbwili la Leo kati ya wanajeshi wa israel na Palestinian


Thursday 14 December 2017

Top 10 Best Ground Forces in Africa (Current Ranking)

The army generally, is the military component of a country that are trained and equipped with arms and ammunition for the security, protection of the inhabitants and defense of the boundaries of that country on land.

Although the military is made up of different departments which are the land armies or soldiers (ground force), Navies (water/sea base) and the Air Force. Land soldiers are seen to be superior, because land is where most of the wars and battles are fought.

Our focus will be on the best ground force, we shall be listing the top 10 countries with most powerful ground forces in the continent of Africa ranking them from highest to the lowest.

South African army

Created in 1912, South Africa army is ranked first on the list of most powerful ground force in Africa with over 210,000 active men. You must be aware that south Africa army/ground force took part in the world war II as part of wider British effort.

It also engaged itself in border war which started on the 26th of August 1966 and ended on the 21st of march 1967. Its headquarter is located at Dequar road, Pretoria,South Africa. They are also well equipped.

Egyptian army

This is the largest ground force in Africa at the moment and 10th in the world with more than 430,000 active men who are very agile and skillful enough to emerge victorious after wars.

Since its inception in 1820, the Egyptian army over the years has engaged in some wars which among them was the North Yemen civil war which started in 1963; Libya-egypt war which lasted for some years. Major General Mohammed is currently the chief Commander of the Egyptian land soldiers.
Nigerian army

The Nigerian army was established in 1960 immediately after the country’s independence from the colonial masters. Nigeria is currently ranked the 3rd strongest ground force made up of about 200,000 active soldiers.

The motto for Nigerian army is “Victory comes from God alone”

This army has also been engaged in some certain peace keeping missions which it came out successful. They have also been able to recapture some Boko Haram stronghold which has threatened the country for a while now.

Also known as the Royal Morocco Army and they are ranked fourth as the best army in Africa. The creation of this military outfit can be traced back to 1088 but it gained ground on the 14th of November 1956.

The Morocco army consist of 250,000 active troops and its motto is “God homeland king”. They are also one of the most equipped military in Africa with weapons of war that are sophisticated.

Over the years, Morocco army have been engaged in numerous wars which among them are Ifni war from October 6,1957 to June 30,1958, Six day historic war which lasted from June 4 to June 10 between Arab and Israeli forces.
Ethiopian army

One of the largest and best military group in the continent of Africa with 192,000 active men not counting. It’s one of the most equipped armies in Africa with annual defense budget to support the troops.

Over the years, Ethiopian troops always render help to other countries such as British empire during the Madist war (a fierce war between British empire and Madist Sudan from 1881 to 1899).

Its current Commander is the country’s prime minister Hailemaria. You’re qualified to join the Ethiopia army once you are 16 years of age.
Libyan Army

The Libyan army are ranked as one of the deadliest elite forces in the world with over 40,000 active men. Its headquarter is located at tripoli, Libya.

They have engaged in some crunch wars which among them was chad-libya war(1987) Uganda-Tanzania war (1972-1978) and Libyan-Egyptian war (19-24 July 1977).

Some recorded ammunition at their disposal include: TT-PISTOL, Beretta M12,FNP 90,SKS, AK-47 among others.
Tanzanian armed forces

Though not as equipped with sophisticated armory and weapons as the other countries listed above, the Tanzanian ground force (army) is one of the best armies in Africa.

It was founded on the 1st of September, 1964 with numbers of active men approximated to be 30,000 as at October 2017. They are fondly called ‘The Tanzanian People Defense Force’

Joining the Tanzania army doesn’t require much criteria, all you need do is to be 18years of age or above; be a citizen and be psychologically fit and ready to face any emergence of war.

Tanzania army doesn’t have many record of war as its only war engagement was the conflict between Tanzania and Uganda.
Ugandan army

Uganda Army was created on the 1st of August 1962. Just as Tanzania, any citizen is qualified for recruitment at the age of 18. Uganda Army get its arms and ammunition from the US military department.
Kenyan army

Another strong force who took the centre stage during the second world war. Created in 1964, it currently has a manpower of about 30,000.

Its command headquarter is located at Nairobi Kenya while its Commander in Chief is President Uhuru Kenyatta. Among the equipment which it possess are 186 main battle tanks, thousands of vehicles, AK-47 etc.

As said earlier,Kenya’s troop took part during world war II, it also took part in shifta war between (1963-1967); Mount Elgon insurgency in 2005).
Somalia army

Last but not the least, Somalia was ranked as best ground force in Africa before civil war which claims lives and properties.

It was founded in 1960, it currently have 13,000 active men while 24,000 men are on reserve team. Its headquarter is located at Mogadishu, Somalia.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

32 Secret Keyboard Combinations You Didn’t Know Yet

Bright Side has put together a list of all the hot key combinations that will certainly come in handy for every Windows and OS X user.

Win keyboard

⊞ Win — opens the Start Menu, in Windows 8.1 — opens the previous window;⊞ Win + A — opens the Action Center (in Windows 10);⊞ Win + B — selects the first icon in the Notification Area (you can then switch between the icons using the arrow keys);⊞ Win + Ctrl + B — switches to a program indicating a new message in the Notification Area;⊞ Win + C shows the Charm Bar (in Windows 8 and 8.1); in Windows 10 it opens Cortana (if you’re using a supported language);⊞ Win + D — shows the desktop (immediately minimizes all the opened windows);⊞ Win + E — opens Windows Explorer; in Windows 10 opens the Quick Launch by default;⊞ Win + F — opens ’Find files and folders’;⊞ Win + Ctrl + F — opens ’Find computers’;⊞ Win + G — brings all gadgets to the foreground that are in process (only in Windows 7 and Vista); opens the Game bar in Windows 10;⊞ Win + K — opens a new Start menu — Connections (in Windows 8 and 8.1);⊞ Win + L — changes user or locks the workstation;⊞ Win + M — minimizes all windows;⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + M — restores windows that were minimized;⊞ Win + O — locks device orientation (disables the gyroscope function on tablets);⊞ Win + P — switches operating modes to an external monitor/projector (only in Windows 7 and newer);⊞ Win + Q — opens Search charm for installed apps (checked in Windows 8);⊞ Win + R — opens the ’Run dialog’ box;⊞ Win + T — switches focus to the Taskbar (only in Windows 7 and newer);⊞ Win + U — opens the Utility Manager;⊞ Win + W — opens Windows Ink Workspace (notes, screenshots);⊞ Win + X— opens the Windows Mobile Application Center (only for mobile computers in Windows Vista and 7);⊞ Win + Y — starts Yahoo! Messenger (if installed).

OS X keyboard

Command + Up Arrow — Immediately scroll to the top of any webpage.Command + Down Arrow — Immediately scroll to the bottom of any webpage.Command + Semicolon — Cycle through misspelled words in any given document.Command + 1 (2, 3) — Use this shortcut to conveniently cycle through any open tabs you have in your browser. Command + 1 will take you to the first tab, Command + 2 will take you to the second, and so on.Option + Delete — This handy keyboard shortcut will delete words one word at a time, as opposed to one letter at a time. This works all across OS X, whether you’re typing in TextEdit or even when typing a website into your browser’s URL bar.Command + H — Quickly hide all open windows from the currently active app.Command + Shift + T — Instantly open up the most recently closed tab in your browser. This is a lifesaver if you accidentally close a window and can’t remember the URL.Command + F3 — This handy shortcut instantly removes all app windows from view and lets you take a gander at your desktop. To bring your apps back, simply press the keys again.Option + Shift +Volume Up/Volume down — Increase or decrease your machine’s volume in much smaller increments. This comes in especially handy when you’re trying to get your audio output levels just right.

Intelligent People Choose to Be Less Social – Here’s Why

Do you ever dream about being a hermit? Would you prefer to live in a countryside cabin, instead of a bustling city? Would you rather stick your nose in a book than throw your hands up in the air?

Do you hide when someone rings your doorbell unexpectedly?

If this sounds like you, I have good news. You’re not anti-social. In fact, you just might be a genius.
According To An NCBI Study, People Who Are Highly Intelligent Tend To Associate With Fewer People And Seek Out Social Interaction Less Frequently. Interestingly, Their Life Satisfaction Increases When They Choose To Live By This Strategy.

According to lead researchers Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman Li, for those seeking happiness, the “hermit in the woods” strategy might be the way to go – especially for people who are highly intelligent. Through thorough research, these evolutionary psychologists were able to determine that human beings are happier living in less densely populated areas. They also found that happiness increases when a greater percentage of our social interactions are with our most dearly loved ones, as opposed to strangers, casual friends, or acquaintances.

Unsurprisingly, the study’s participants reported a greater level of happiness when they had more frequent social interaction – except for one group. For the most highly intelligent of people, this effect was not only diminished, but was actively reversed.
In Fact, As The Researchers Explained, “More Intelligent Individuals Experience Lower Life Satisfaction With More Frequent Socialization With Friends.”

Carol Graham, who studies the economics of happiness, examined this effect in a Washington Post article. “The findings suggest (and it is no surprise) that those with more intelligence and the capacity to use it are less likely to spend so much time socializing because they are focused on some other longer term objective.”

In other words, that nerd who says they have better things to do than hang out with friends is actually on to something.

In interpreting the results of this study, evolutionary psychologists found great significance in this dynamic in relation to the “Savannah Theory.” This theory proposes that we find happiness in the same things that would have made our ancestors happy. On the savannah, population density would have been low, and interpersonal interaction would have been incredibly important for survival.

This study’s results, although ultimately in support of this theory, suggest that the most highly intelligent of human beings may be evolving past the need for very frequent social interaction. Instead, they are beginning to favor activities which promote our advancement in the modern world – which tend to be more intellectually and economically based. We need interaction less than our ancestors did, so the most highly evolved human beings have ceased to prioritize it.

So, The Next Time You Opt To Stay Home Instead Of Hitting The Club, Don’t Feel Weird About It. Feel Smart. You Are An Evolutionary Groundbreaker.

Saturday 28 October 2017

US Pre-Planned to Destroy Syria Early In 1980’s For Oil Pipeline : Confirmed by CIA Document

A CIA document from the early 1980s details a US plan to destroy Syria – in much the same way the United States has been doing for the last few years.

Geostrategically crucial Syria has been at the center of a decades-long plot by the United States to depose the sovereign government and install one supportive of goals in the Middle East. This must be revisited – and quickly – before the beating of war drums drowns out the truth of the US government’s recently-espoused mission.

With the Trump regime refusing to open useful dialogue with Russia regarding Syria, its obvious anti-Iran and pro-Israel positioning, and support for a very questionable “safe zone” plan for Syria, the odds of a rational U.S. policy in regards to Syria has lower and lower odds of existence as time progresses.

Yet, despite the fact that the Trump administration is apparently poised to continue the Obama regime’s proxy war of aggression against the people of Syria, an example of seamless transition, it should also be remembered that the plan to destroy Syria did not begin with Obama but with the Bush administration.

As journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in his article, “The Redirection,”

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly castigated President Bashar al-Assad for ordering a gruesome mass killing of civilians with chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun. This accusation sparked a bolstering of support for the Syrian regime from both Moscow and Tehran.

“Syria at present has a hammerlock on US interests both in Lebanon and in the Gulf – through closure of Iraq’s pipeline thereby threatening Iraqi internationalization of the war. The US should consider sharply escalating the pressures against Assad through covertly orchestrating simultaneous military threats against Syria from three border states hostile to Syria: Iraq, Israel and Turkey.”

Hersh also wrote,

The new American policy, in its broad outlines, has been discussed publicly. In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that there is “a new strategic alignment in the Middle East,” separating “reformers” and “extremists”; she pointed to the Sunni states as centers of moderation, and said that Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah were “on the other side of that divide.” (Syria’s Sunni majority is dominated by the Alawi sect.) Iran and Syria, she said, “have made their choice and their choice is to destabilize.”

While the preceding bears the names of leaders and nations familiar to current headlines, that assessment, cogently titled, Bringing Real Muscle to Bear Against Syria from former CIA officer Graham Fuller in actuality discusses Syria under Assad’s predecessor – his father, Hafez al-Assad – and is dated September 14, 1983, amid the Iran-Iraq War.

You Can See the Complete Document Here:


With Iraq seeking to enjoin support internationally in the war, the U.S. had to scramble to prevent the shutdown of a pipeline — a dilemma Fuller suggests could be alleviated through a change in narrative to present Syria as a more deviant enemy than even Iran. That, alone, would have changed the face of the war bearing the names of the two principal adversaries — Sunni majority, Iraq, and Syria-allied, Shi’a, Iran.

Fuller asserted,

“The US should consider urging Iraq to take the war to the other key source of its predicament: Syria.”

Fuller’s analysis, points out Activist Post’s Brandon Turbeville, evinces Assad as a nuisance hindering American empire’s lust to control vast fossil fuel stores and protect ally, Israel, against multiple threats in the Middle East. Destabilization of Iraq and Iran also features prominently in the intricate U.S. plan to deal with the irritant, elder Assad — who, incidentally, recognized Western ulterior motives for what they were.

As the six-page document continues,

Syria continues to maintain a hammerlock on two key U.S. interests in the Middle East:

— Syrian refusal to withdraw its troops from Lebanon ensures Israeli occupation in the south;

— Syrian closure of the Iraqi pipeline has been a key factor in bringing Iraq to its financial knees, impelling it towards dangerous internationalization of the war in the Gulf.

Diplomatic initiatives to date have had little effect on Assad who has so far correctly calculated the play of forces in the area and concluded that they are only weakly arrayed against him. If the U.S. is to rein in Syria’s spoiling role, it can only do so through the exertion of real muscle which will pose a vital threat to Assad’s position and power.

Further, he continued,

“The US should consider sharply escalating the pressures against Assad [Sr.] through covertly orchestrating simultaneous military threats against Syria from three border states hostile to Syria: Iraq, Israel, and Turkey. Iraq, perceived to be increasingly desperate in the Gulf war, would undertake limited military (air) operations against Syria with the sole goal of opening the pipeline. Although the opening war on a second front against Syria poses considerable risk to Iraq, Syria would also face a two-front war since it is already heavily engaged in the Bekaa, on the Golan and in maintaining control over a hostile and restive population inside Syria.

“Israel would simultaneously raise tensions along Syria’s Lebanon front without actually going to war. Turkey, angered by Syrian support to Armenian terrorism, to Iraqi Kurds on Turkey’s Kurdish border areas and to Turkish terrorists operating out of northern Syria, has often considered launching unilateral military operations against terrorist camps in northern Syria. Virtually all Arab states would have sympathy for Iraq.

“Faced with three belligerent fronts, Assad would probably be forced to abandon his policy of closure of the pipeline. Such a concession would relieve the economic pressure on Iraq, and perhaps force Iran to reconsider bringing the war to an end. It would be a sharpening blow to Syria’s prestige and could affect the equation of forces in Lebanon.”

In context, then-President Ronald Reagan faced pressure both to insert military power in Lebanon — a theater of stated neutrality for the U.S. — and to prohibit actual military assistance in the fraught regional entanglement.

That is until a suicide bomber decimated a U.S. Marines barracks encamped at an airport in Beirut, killing hundreds — just one month subsequent to the date on Fuller’s Syria action plan.

Micah Zenko, Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations — an albeit establishment- and Deep State-connected think tank — in “When America Attacked Syria,”wrote in 2012:

“The October 23, 1983, suicide truck bombing of the Marine barracks at the Beirut International Airport would kill 241 U.S. military personnel; simultaneously, another suicide bomber killed fifty-eight French servicemen of the MNF several kilometers away. (Two weeks later, yet another truck bomb exploded in the Israeli military headquarters in Tyre, killing sixty.) A FBI forensics assessment called the Marine barracks bombing the ‘biggest non-nuclear explosion since World War II.’ According to a Pentagon commission formed to investigate the attack, it was ‘tantamount to an act of war using the medium of terrorism.’ Within weeks, the CIA determined that ‘the bombings…of the United States and French MNF headquarters were carried out by Shia radicals, armed, trained, and directed by Syria and Iran.’”

That the CIA — master meddler in the affairs of sovereign nations — determined fault for the bombings rested with Syria and Iran left both plausibly responsible, with public perception largely following suit.

That a situation eerily similar — in behind-the-scenes string-pulling and long-term U.S. commitment to deposing an Assad from the rule in Syria — appears to be playing out nearly three-and-a-half decades later, bellows resoundingly on failures of interventionist foreign policy.

Or, perhaps, it’s successes.

“Such a threat must be primarily military in nature. At present, there are three relatively hostile elements around Syria’s borders: Israel, Iraq, and Turkey. Consideration must be given to orchestrating a credible military threat against Syria in order to induce at least some moderate change in its policies,” Fuller explained in the document. “This paper proposes a serious examination of the use of all three states – acting independently – to exert the necessary threat. Use of any one state in isolation cannot create such a credible threat.”

Syria is now a landmine for the Trump administration — as it has been in varying intensity for a lengthy succession of presidents before.

To make proud the neocon war hawks ravenous to rain missiles upon Assad’s forces would duly emblazon the already blood-tinged U.S. government as the chief aggressor in a conflict that had been nearing resolution — if not, ultimately, the catalyst for the third world war.

To withdraw militarily and negotiate a reasonable conclusion to the quagmire in Syria, would mean admitting defeat in the removal of Assad — as well as a black eye from the propaganda-suckered who find solace in the Western policy of killing people to teach people killing people is wrong.

In fact, for Trump and his ilk to save face over Syria and prevent the increasing likelihood of direct military conflict with Russia seems an impossibility at this late hour.

Source : trueactivist, zerohedge, scribd

Friday 27 October 2017

India reject US suggestion of completely snapping diplomatic ties with N. Kore

New Delhi has argued that some diplomatic presence was needed in North Korea to ensure communication channels were open but said it had suspended all trade with the country except that of medicines and food.

India has refused to give in to America’s pressure to snap all diplomatic connections with North Korea. In a meeting with the visiting US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, India’s Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj categorically said that India has sized down its embassy in DPRK but does not intend to close it down.

"We discussed the issue of DPRK. We discussed the matter of trade reduction and closing of embassies. As far as our trade with North Korea is concerned, it has decreased over the years," Indian External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said in her statement after the meeting with Tillerson.

​​Swaraj argued that the small Indian embassy could serve as a channel of communication between Pyongyang and the rest of the world.

"I told Secretary Tillerson that some of their friendly countries should maintain embassies there so that some channels of communication are kept open," she said.

India was North Korea second biggest trade partner but following UN sanctions, India has suspended trade with North Korea except for food and medicine. India has also cut the size of its embassy in North Korea. At present the Indian embassy in Pyongyang has only five officials.

READ MORE: India Prods ASEAN to Take Action Against China, Pakistan for Helping North Korea

Following Pyongyang’s latest nuclear ventures, the country is gradually being isolated by the international community in a bid to pressurize the nation to the extent it is forced to suspend its nuclear program. Italy recently expelled North Korea’s incoming new ambassador; China has limited its oil exports to the country; the United Nations imposed fresh, stricter sanctions restricting exports from North Korea and the United States has repeatedly warned of action against the country while aggressively lobbying among other countries to snap all ties with North Korea.