Kim Jong Un briefed on possible Guam attacks | maendeleo media

Monday 14 August 2017

Kim Jong Un briefed on possible Guam attacks

North Korea's state news agency has reported that the DPRK's president Kim Jong Un has been briefed on a missile test next to the US Pacific territory of Guam.

Kim added that the US should make the "right choice" to prevent a conflict between the two nations. He also ordered his generals to prepare the military for a strike if he decides one is necessary. However, he said that he wanted to observe the actions of the Americans for a while longer before making a decision to strike or not.

The United States, which was the first to bring numerous strategic nuclear equipment near us, should first make the right decision and show through actions if they wish to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula and prevent a dangerous military clash," Kim was cited as saying in the report by KCNA.

The war of words between American and Korean leadership has continued to intensify to new levels of hostile rhetoric. Earlier in August, US President Donald Trump warned the DPRK that they would be "met with fire and fury like the world has never seen" if they continued to threaten the United States or its allies. North Korea replied with their most severe threat yet: to strike Guam with a nuclear missile.

Trump aside, American leadership have been more apprehensive about war with the Koreans. US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs Gen. Joe Dunford said in a statement that "it would be a horrible thing were a war to be conducted here on the [Korean] peninsula."

Guam governor Eddie Baza Calvo said that the DPRK has threatened to attack Guam three times since 2013, and that he feels "safe" and "confident" in his island's security with Trump at the nation's helm.

