Why Successful People Wear The Same Thing Every Day | maendeleo media

Friday 23 June 2017

Why Successful People Wear The Same Thing Every Day

Have you ever heard of the term ‘capsule wardrobe’? It refers to a concept that envisions owning and wearing a limited number of versatile and interchangeable pieces of clothes as opposed to clogging and overflowing the closet with clothes that you’ll hardly ever wear.

The concept is rapidly gaining following from people of all walks of life, including some of the world’s most important politicians and businessmen.

But what makes the capsule wardrobe movement so appealing to people, especially to those that can afford to buy just about every fashion piece no matter the cost?

In an effort to explain this phenomenon, we offer these 6 logical explanations as to why more and more celebrities are warming up to this concept.

1.Fewer selection headaches

Important people are faced with the challenge of making a number of vital decisions that could potentially have huge implications every day.

This can lead to a condition known as ‘decision fatigue’, which could influence the quality of their decision making.

Former US President Barack Obama, a dedicated follower of the capsule movement, says limiting his fashion options left him with more time and energy to spend of things that matter.

“You’ll see I wear only grey or blue suits. I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make,” Mr. Obama explained.

2.The gift of time

Up until recently, my closet was packed full with clothes that were either too old or too passé to wear.]

The hoarder in me finally gave in a few months ago when I decided to try the so called ‘Project 333’, which involves discarding all but 33 clothing articles for a three month period.

I successfully completed the challenge and have not looked back since. The result?

Much fewer selection headaches and a lot more time to spend on more important matters.

3.Stress therapy

When asked the reasons behind her wearing the same clothes every day, New York art director Matilda Kahl cited ‘decision fatigue’ and the lack of time.

She also said that wearing the same outfit every day was a lot less stressful than having to choose different pieces, wandering if she got it right or wrong all the time.

“Is this too formal? Is that too out there?Is this dress too short?

Almost always, I’d choose something to wear I regretted as soon as I hit the subway platform,” she was quoted as saying.

Having reduced her wardrobe to her ‘trademark’ white shirt and black trousers, Ms Kahl certainly has one less thing to worry about.

4.Limited wardrobe saves energy

Hollywood director Christopher Nolan is one of the more distinguished ‘followers’ of the capsule wardrobe movement.

Mr. Nolan, who can nowadays typically be seen wearing black trousers and a blue dress shirt under a dark jacket, recently told the New York Time Magazine that ‘choosing anew what to wear each day’ was a ‘waste of energy’ which could better be used elsewhere.

The man has a point. Having a large wardrobe will certainly take up a lot more time and energy to organize.

5.It saves money too
It is a well known fact that the average woman in the 1930’s owned nine outfits compared to today when each woman is estimated to own 30 pieces of clothing.

It is also estimated that the average American family forks out $1.700 on clothes each year. This might not seem like too much, but it could be argued that many of these purchases were not borne out of necessity.

Adopting the capsule wardrobe approach will certainly save you some money in the future.

6.It puts life into perspective
We think we can all agree on the notion that holding on to our clothes from ‘the good old’ times when we were younger and maybe a bit slimmer is both pointless and unnecessary.

This is perhaps best summed up in Drew Barrymore’s article for Refinery 29, where she writes about her rationale for severing all sentimental ties with clothes from her youth.

“For starters, I’m almost 40, and the twenties clothes don’t make sense anymore. And, after two babies, the thirties clothes don’t fit anymore. I am at a clothing crossroads, and it’s a painful one at times,” reads her article.

In a world obsessed with appearance and glamour, it is certainly refreshing to see the growing popularity of the capsule wardrobe movement.

