Read united kingdom front pages of newspaper | maendeleo media

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Read united kingdom front pages of newspaper

The Daily Mail covers their whole front page with the flames of the fierce fire, and the blunt question: "How the hell could it happen"...
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The Times shows the inferno of the tower as it is engulfed in flames, with a close up of two residents pressed to their window and waving in a desperate attempt to attract help...
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The Sun draws attention to the £10m refurbishment of the 24-storey tower block had undergone, including the addition of external cladding through which the fire is believed to have spread...
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The Guardian says "warnings were ignored", as the Prime Minister promises a "proper investigation" into the fatal blaze...
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Daily Mirror calls the fire a "Deathtrap" and says that residents warned of a possible catastrophe four years ago...
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Calling the fire - which is one of the largest residential fires in UK history - "Hell on Earth", Metro shows the picture of an exhausted firefighter after a night tackling the unprecedented blaze...
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The Daily Telegraph shows the Grenfell Tower ablaze, calling it a "Disaster waiting to happen" amid claims safety warnings were ignored...
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The i describes the Grenfell Tower fire in west London which has so far claimed 12 lives and injured 78 in just three words: Tragic. Horrific. Avoidable"...
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The Financial Times has a photo of the smoking Grenfell Tower, but leads with reports that the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates in the US in spite of weak inflation figures...

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