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Friday 5 May 2017


The Guardian leads with May "crushing" UKIP and posing a "historic challenge" for Labour amid stunning gains for the Tories in the local elections…
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The Daily Telegraph calls the Conservative local elections results the "Great Tory rebirth", claiming Theresa May has "reunited the Right-wing"…
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The Daily Express declares that Theresa May is "The New Maggie" alongside a steely picture of the PM…­­­
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The Times looks ahead to the General Election, predicting a landslide win for the Conservatives on 8 June…
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The Daily Mail claims the PM is "on the march", noting the historic Tory poll triumph as UKIP is wiped out and Labour loses heartland seats…
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The i goes with the headline "Blue tide" as it reports on Tory triumph in local elections and shock wins for 'metro' mayors in West Midlands and Tees Valley...
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The Financial Times leads on the Tories sweeping gains in local elections, which it puts down to Theresa May's "Brexit stance"...
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