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Monday 15 May 2017


The Daily Mirror pictures child killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, with the news of his death meaning he will take the secret of where he buried their last victim - 12 year old Keith Bennett - to the grave...
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The Daily Star pictures TV presenter Zoe Ball, who has spoken out for the first time since her boyfriend was found dead last week...
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The Times features a picture of Moors murderer Ian Brady, but its main story is news of a fine for one of the world's largest drugs companies for increasing cancer medicine prices...
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The Sun's front page splashes a photo of Moors murderer Ian Brady, who has died from cancer at the age of 79 at a secure hospital in Merseyside...
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The Daily Mail accuses Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn of launching a "war" on the middle classes, saying higher earners face an average tax increase of £3,000...

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The Guardian says Labour's manifesto will include a so-called 'fat cat' tax on employers such as city banks and Premier League football clubs that offer large pay packages...
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The Daily Express keeps its focus on health, with scientists saying arthritis could be avoided with exercise and good diet...
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Metro leads with the police search for the body of murdered schoolgirl Danielle Jones, whose parents hope they're a step towards finding her 16 years later...
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The Daily Telegraph has Labour's tax plans as its lead story, reporting that almost a million middle class people would pay the top rate of income tax under a Labour government...
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The Financial Times reports on the worldwide cyberhacking story, with fears there could be a second wave of attacks after a new cyberweapon was stolen from US spies...
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The i has a preview of Labour's already heavily leaked manifesto which includes a change to the top rate of tax and a promise to pay the UK's Brexit 'divorce bill'...
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