Poroshenko Says US Engaged in Normandy Format on Donbass Conflict Settlement | maendeleo media

Sunday 14 May 2017

Poroshenko Says US Engaged in Normandy Format on Donbass Conflict Settlement

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KIEV  — The United States is engaged in the work of the Normandy format on settling the conflict in Donbass, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Sunday.
The Normandy Four contact group on Ukraine crisis comprises Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine.
"I want to stop any discussions that it would be more effective for us to bring the United States into the Normandy format. I highlight that it is engaged [in this format] and it will be. All the time, including under the previous administration… there was a respective diplomat in the rank of ambassador, who was fully informed about the content of the talks in the Normandy format, and they were coordinated with our US partners," Poroshenko said during a press conference.

In February, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel spoke in favor of maintaining the current format of four-way ministerial meetings on Ukraine, while staying in touch with the United States.
In February 2015, the warring parties to the Ukrainian conflict in Donbass signed the Minsk peace accords in order to cease fire in the crisis-torn region. Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine, as the members of the Normandy Four, helped negotiate the Donbass ceasefire. The truce, however, has been repeatedly breached, with Kiev forces and Donbas militia accusing each other of violating it.

