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Wednesday 26 April 2017


MPs are warning that millions of patients are being denied GP appointments in the week because more than half of England's surgeries shut down at some point between the core hours of 8am and 6.30pm, according to the Daily Mail.
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The Sun
 leads on Wednesday's HMRC raids at top football clubs.
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The Guardian
 reports that large numbers of foreign fighters and sympathisers - including at least two British nationals - are abandoning Islamic State and trying to enter Turkey.
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The world's biggest drug companies will abandon the UK unless the NHS receives an extra £20bn a year, the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry has told The Times.
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An NHS trust which is being investigated over 15 baby deaths has reported 51 "serious incidents" in its maternity care, according to the Daily Mirror.
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John Terry is threatening to call in lawyers after a lurid recording featuring a lookalike of his mother went viral, the Daily Star claims.
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The Daily Telegraph says the Conservatives are expected to abandon a pledge to withdraw the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights.
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leads on a new poll which suggests Theresa May is Britain's most popular leader in 40 years - but a senior Labour source tells the newspaper that recent polls have been wrong.
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President Trump's top economic team have unveiled what has been described as the biggest tax cut in US history, writes The Financial Times, with the White House claiming a sharp reduction in corporate taxes and simpler individual rates will unleash economic growth.
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Do you want to ease the effects of diabetes? Turning down the heating by just a few degrees works as well as any medicine that is available for the condition, the Daily Express reports.
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